Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Violet Star

This week the Shamballa messages of 2023 feature the Violet Star and its unique teachings. This is the story of the evolution and transformation of the Pleiadean culture many eons ago.
Is the Violet Star a Myth? Their history of violence alongside technological growth is transformed when the Lords of the DAHL, our sister universe, step in and create the Violet Star. Some may consider this unique narrative a myth; however, after thirty-plus years of working with the I AM America Teachings we’ve found the Ascended Masters are often literal.
Nine Sacred Sounds Saint Germain’s discourse on the Violet Star centers on the activation of the Eight-sided Cell of Perfection through the use of Nine Sacred Sounds. Interestingly, he asks that we identify these sounds through the use of our Communication Portal. We received this important instruction within twenty-four hours of his lesson and have included it in the Violet Star download. This download includes: MP3 of Saint Germain’s discourse, “The Violet Star,” and the PDF lessons: Nine Sacred Mantras, Nine Movements of Consciousness, and the Spiritual Lineage of the Violet Flame. Also included are two additional MP3s of Len singing the Nine Sacred Sounds and the I AM America tradition of the Invocation of the Violet Flame for Sunrise and Sunset.
The Transforming Violet Flame The Violet Light has transformed many cultures throughout time-space eras and galaxies. In this unique time of the expansive Photon Belt, the magnifying Plasma Field, and the transformative Gold Ray humanity is quickly awakening and transforming. Our challenge is to stay focused upon our spiritual transcendence and Ascension Process during this time of polarity and extreme change.
Across the Multiverse The Halls of Shamballa are filled with many Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters who travel from other locations in the Multiverse to assist humanity’s and Earth’s evolution during the month-long event. Their plans and energetic radiance assist our planet and plane of consciousness throughout 2023. Undoubtedly, Ascension for all is their plan.
A Simple Decree Your daily practice of the Violet Flame can transmute your previous karmic actions, but most importantly develops and evolves your Ascension Process. We have found the simple decree, “Violet Flame I AM, God I AM Violet Flame,” to work miracles. It is applied in three rounds each of seven times seven.
Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Experiences 

This decree is also especially helpful in creating states of neutrality and detachment. Let’s face it, we want more positive experiences and enjoy them – so we keep coming back. And the negative experiences . . . well, most of us have a desire to fix them. This is the polarity that drives reincarnation! The neutrality of the Violet Flame empowers acceptance and recognition of our Cosmic BE-ing – the Mighty I AM Presence. This prepares our consciousness for Fourth and Fifth Dimensional experiences.