There is more than one way to travel to the Golden City Star locations and their remarkable Adjutant Points. Your Spiritual Pilgrimage along with prayer and spiritual practice assists our entrance into the Golden Age.
Travel in Your Light Bodies
It is often a sacrifice to travel to any of the fifty-one, worldwide Golden Cities. There are the challenges of money, health, family, work, alongside the mapping and certainty of the location of these multi-dimensional points. The recent Shamballa Season messages share advice to help you to evolve and spiritually expand through a Golden City Pilgrimage that does not require physical travel. This does, however, require the knowledge and skill to travel in your light bodies.
Lady Master Anaya
The first message was received December 27, 2022, and gives important detail on the purification and the Co-creation of the Communication Portal to the Spiritual Hierarchy. This remarkable opportunity is sponsored by Saint Germain, Lord of the Golden Cities and Lady Anaya, who was Saint Germain’s Pleiadean guru.
Nature Provides for Our Evolution
A little-known fact is Ascension frees you from the constrictions of time and space and you can soul-travel through creation without technology or the restrictions of Third Dimension. Science is not creation. It is an observation and an interpretation of nature. Nature provides every evolving human the ability to travel multi-dimensionally through the Photon, the Eight-sided Cell of Perfection, and the Creation Grid. Angels, Elohim, Cosmic Beings, and the Ascended Masters have cultivated the Laws of Creation and utilize the Creation Grid for travel, communication, and their Co-creation Processes. Your Communication Portal initiates you into this level of spiritual expansion and interaction.
The Shamballa Lineage
The Co-creation of your Communication Portal is the first step to receive clear and accurate inner guidance that is connected to the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Golden Cities, Shamballa, and the Galactic Web. This process removes you from the Astral Plane that attaches you to the cycle of reincarnation. Yes, Astral Projection along with interaction in the Astral Plane keeps you imprisoned in this seemingly endless cycle.
A Harmonization Process
This next message on Inner Pilgrimage, was received on January 3, 2023 – a revered day of Cup Ceremony for all gathered at Shamballa. Saint Germain and Lady Anaya share a detailed breath technique of the nine points that harmonize the Chakra System in preparation for light-body travel through your Communication Portal to Shamballa and the Golden Cities. This breath method grounds you to the pure-light core of the Earth – the internal Golden Sun, and draws vital energy up through the Will Chakras, over the Crown Chakra, down the frontal Chakras, and then returns to the core of the Earth. In the beginning you may need to wear red or orange socks or underwear to assist your grounding connection.
The Spinning Photon
Lady Master Anaya’s instruction is very detailed and this Kriya Yoga technique, along with mantra and meditation harmonizes the Chakras and light bodies to prepare your light energies for travel. She also adds that the Photon and your Eight-sided Cell of Perfection is another key to consciously enter the Fifth Dimension. The Photon’s spin increases speed and expands Third Dimension. Lady Anaya describes this movement is similar to a, “Dove in flight,” as wings expand and capture the surrounding air’s density.
A Twenty-year Period Begins in 2024
The Photon is the basis of the gold ball that the Ascended Masters use to travel through for this discourse. In similar fashion, your Communication Portal can allow them to visit you and share information, guidance, and teaching. You may remember in the first three I AM America books, A Teacher Appears, Sisters of the Flame, and Fields of Light, Saint Germain repeatedly states the Ascended Masters would appear and teach for a period of twenty years . . . this period begins in 2024. Your Communication Portal is very much needed!