Showing posts with label Golden City Vortex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden City Vortex. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Travel through the Multi-dimensional Portal

There is more than one way to travel to the Golden City Star locations and their remarkable Adjutant Points. Your Spiritual Pilgrimage along with prayer and spiritual practice assists our entrance into the Golden Age.

Travel in Your Light Bodies It is often a sacrifice to travel to any of the fifty-one, worldwide Golden Cities. There are the challenges of money, health, family, work, alongside the mapping and certainty of the location of these multi-dimensional points. The recent Shamballa Season messages share advice to help you to evolve and spiritually expand through a Golden City Pilgrimage that does not require physical travel. This does, however, require the knowledge and skill to travel in your light bodies.
Lady Master Anaya The first message was received December 27, 2022, and gives important detail on the purification and the Co-creation of the Communication Portal to the Spiritual Hierarchy. This remarkable opportunity is sponsored by Saint Germain, Lord of the Golden Cities and Lady Anaya, who was Saint Germain’s Pleiadean guru.
Nature Provides for Our Evolution A little-known fact is Ascension frees you from the constrictions of time and space and you can soul-travel through creation without technology or the restrictions of Third Dimension. Science is not creation. It is an observation and an interpretation of nature. Nature provides every evolving human the ability to travel multi-dimensionally through the Photon, the Eight-sided Cell of Perfection, and the Creation Grid. Angels, Elohim, Cosmic Beings, and the Ascended Masters have cultivated the Laws of Creation and utilize the Creation Grid for travel, communication, and their Co-creation Processes. Your Communication Portal initiates you into this level of spiritual expansion and interaction.
The Shamballa Lineage The Co-creation of your Communication Portal is the first step to receive clear and accurate inner guidance that is connected to the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Golden Cities, Shamballa, and the Galactic Web. This process removes you from the Astral Plane that attaches you to the cycle of reincarnation. Yes, Astral Projection along with interaction in the Astral Plane keeps you imprisoned in this seemingly endless cycle.
A Harmonization Process This next message on Inner Pilgrimage, was received on January 3, 2023 – a revered day of Cup Ceremony for all gathered at Shamballa. Saint Germain and Lady Anaya share a detailed breath technique of the nine points that harmonize the Chakra System in preparation for light-body travel through your Communication Portal to Shamballa and the Golden Cities. This breath method grounds you to the pure-light core of the Earth – the internal Golden Sun, and draws vital energy up through the Will Chakras, over the Crown Chakra, down the frontal Chakras, and then returns to the core of the Earth. In the beginning you may need to wear red or orange socks or underwear to assist your grounding connection.
The Spinning Photon Lady Master Anaya’s instruction is very detailed and this Kriya Yoga technique, along with mantra and meditation harmonizes the Chakras and light bodies to prepare your light energies for travel. She also adds that the Photon and your Eight-sided Cell of Perfection is another key to consciously enter the Fifth Dimension. The Photon’s spin increases speed and expands Third Dimension. Lady Anaya describes this movement is similar to a, “Dove in flight,” as wings expand and capture the surrounding air’s density.
A Twenty-year Period Begins in 2024 The Photon is the basis of the gold ball that the Ascended Masters use to travel through for this discourse. In similar fashion, your Communication Portal can allow them to visit you and share information, guidance, and teaching. You may remember in the first three I AM America books, A Teacher Appears, Sisters of the Flame, and Fields of Light, Saint Germain repeatedly states the Ascended Masters would appear and teach for a period of twenty years . . . this period begins in 2024. Your Communication Portal is very much needed!

The Portal from Venus

 Sanat Kumara projects a remarkable lesson on Ascension from the Venusian Golden City of Avonne, in the next Shamballa Message for 2023.

How to Use the Violet Flame Your Ascension is a work in progress, and it requires the Violet Flame on a daily basis to overcome the challenges you face in this life. We recommend, “Violet Flame I AM, God I AM Violet Flame.” Use the decree 7x7 times, (this is one round), and then repeat again two more times for a total of three rounds. Close with the Mighty I AM that I AM, and the mantra OM HUE. This trinomial application treats your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Freedom from Reincarnation Sanat Kumara looked directly at us and stated that he did not want us to “wiggle out of this,” . . . meaning it is our sole responsibility to engage each step to achieve the Ascension. Undoubtedly, he was speaking to all who hear his message and study the I AM America Teachings. All of the I AM America material contains the information and spiritual practices to assist and begin your Ascension Process and initiate your freedom from the Wheel of Karma. Following is a quick review of the Human Aura, its layers, Color Rays, and Archangels. This summary will help you to better understand Sanat Kumara’s lesson on the Astral Body, our multi-dimensional Ascension Process, and our entrance into the Fourth Dimension.
A Secret of Life Karmas that need to be balanced accumulate in the first six layers of the human aura. The Seventh Layer of the human aura is Violet, which has the transmuting power over the lower six auric energy bodies. The first three auric layers are the connection to Third Dimension. The Masters often refer to them as: thought, feeling and action. At this time of Awakening, we are new to this harmonizing process and once achieved, creates personal balance and harmony. This is the HU-man state of BE-ing, a natural precursor to the Ascension and the secret to joy, peace, and personal happiness.
The Astral Body Auric layers comprise the Astral Body as a group of light and sound frequencies. Located close to the physical body is the action layer that motivates the body. Next is the feeling, or emotional energy body, and gives the human the ability to feel and sense. The final of these three layers is thought, a layer of the aura that expresses in the outer world. This is also known as the Mental Body. In Jyotish Astrology, the Hindu Science of Light, the Ascendant signifies the physical body, the Moon rules the Astral Body, Mercury designates the Mental Body, and the Sun indicates the Causal Body. And yes, these indicators are all interconnected in both exoteric and esoteric understanding. Sanat Kumara refers to this as “the Astral-logic.”
Layers of Dual Energy and the Third Dimension Each energy body is activated by a Ray Force, created at the first breath upon birth. The Blue Ray is action and is guided by Archangel Michael. The Pink Ray is feeling, conducted by Archangel Chamuel. The Yellow Ray is thought and is directed by the Archangel Jophiel. The three auric layers established at the first breath at birth are the energetic expression in the duality of the Third Dimensional world.
The Fourth and Fifth Layers of Energy The next layer of the aura is the fourth layer, and is the White Ray guided by the Archangel Gabriel. White is the presence of all colors and balances our spiritual awareness and experiences. The next auric layer is the Green Ray and is directed by the Archangel Raphael. The Green Ray emits energy for healing and balanced abundance, which includes science. Today, many discoveries of nature are directed through this Ray Force as contemporary science and technology. These are discoveries of already existing patterns in creation.
The Dream Body and Reincarnation The sixth auric layer is Ruby and Gold, guided by the Archangel Uriel. This energy and Ray frequency is the beginning of the human to HU-man evolution. The seventh layer is directed by Archangel Zadkiel’s Violet Ray that balances and inevitably removes all unbalanced karmas. This auric energy body is the energetic gateway to end the Wheel of Karma. The Astral Body of the fourth through sixth energy bodies is also known as a Dream Body that allows you to access the Astral Field of experience. The Astral Field calls us back into Earthly life again and again, the reincarnation process.
An Appearance of Saint Germain In our early sessions with the Ascended Masters, Saint Germain once appeared and displayed his brilliant layers of light. Each field was neatly ordered and distributed the energies of seven radiant, clear, vibrant Ray Forces. As we balance and transmute the psychic residue from our energy fields, our light-fields will begin to mirror this Godly perfection. Then we can more easily traverse the Astral Field and easily enter into Fourth Dimension.
Redirect Your Spiritual Evolution Assemble your personal Communication Portal to Shamballa as instructed in the previous audio recorded sessions and described in the next newly received recorded session. According to Saint Germain and Sanat Kumara, you can redirect your course of evolution through the constructive use of this remarkable portal and enhance your Ascension Process.
The newly released Shamballa messages for 2023 share many new details and nuances of the Ascension Process, the Golden Cities, and provide a unique learning experience directly from the Ascended Masters. The Spiritual Hierarchy consider all who read the I AM America books and listen to the audio transmissions as students, and when you commit to the daily use of the Violet Flame to transmute your karmas, you are then considered chelas because you are proactive in your spiritual growth. The word chela means disciple, or one who accepts discipline.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Eight Principles of the Right-hand Path

 As promised, we’d like to share several of the many combinations of three Golden City Adjutant Points that comprise a transformative Energy-for-Energy Golden City Pilgrimage. This week we introduce the Eight Principles of the Right-hand Path that mirror eight distinct Spiritual Pilgrimages. These principles reinforce the effectiveness of the Right-hand Path, and instill the values, ideals, and standards of the Ascended Masters. They mirror the profound, yet perceptive teachings of Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path, and convey the Ascended Masters’ precious Shamballa Tradition. These Evolutionary Fields are configured as Acute Isosceles Triangles — Golden Triangles.

The Eight Principles of the Right-hand Path
This following list is an overview of the Eight Golden City Pilgrimages:
1. Lineage of Gurus, (right effort), Creation-Creativity, Stillness, Faith, the Star: Acute Isosceles Triangle.
2. Mysticism, (right view), Stillness, Illumination, the Star: Acute Isosceles Triangle.
3. HU-man Psychology, (right conduct), Desire, Love, Illumination, the Star: Acute Isosceles Triangle.
4. Prayer, (right samadhi), Abundance, Illumination, the Star: Acute Isosceles Triangle.
5. Prophecy, (right mindfulness), Harmony, Abundance, Service, the Star: Acute Isosceles Triangle.
6. Beauty of Nature, (right livelihood), Harmony, Cooperation, the Star: Acute Isosceles Triangle.
7. Ceremony, (right resolve), Charity, Clarity, Cooperation, the Star: Acute Isosceles Triangle.
8. Decree, (right speech), Cooperation, Creation-Creativity, the Star: Acute Isosceles Triangle.

Free Download: Golden City Pilgrimage Maps
For illustrative maps of the Eight Principles of the Right-hand Path, along with other Spiritual Pilgrimages that we will explore in the coming weeks, download this free I AM America lesson.

Lineage of Gurus
The first Evolutionary Field of the Right-hand Path is the principle of the Lineage of Gurus. This field of energy holds an innate connection to the Ascended Masters of the Shamballa Tradition for humanity’s and Earth’s continued evolution into the Golden Age.

Connect with Your Master Teacher
Since this field is also known as the Northern (Black) Door, energies quickly acclimate into the physical plane. This field may increase your endurance and determination in all endeavors, with unshakable resolve. Pilgrimages through this unique field of energy can infuse and create a quickening, with new levels of Spiritual Awakening and devotion to the Ascension Process. There may be communication and overlighting with the ancient Elohim and the Ancestral Teachers of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Pilgrimage will increase the efficacy, simplicity, and purity of spiritual techniques, spiritual practices, ceremonies, and prayer. Northern Door Pilgrimages to connect with the Lineage of Gurus are most effective during the annual Shamballa season. This Pilgrimage is doubly effective this year, as Shamballa will remain open throughout 2022.

The Evolutionary Field of the Mystic
The second Evolutionary Field of the Mystic increases and accentuates our ability to understand and navigate the mysteries of Ascension. This field assists our personal initiative, and the capability to follow through to develop a deep, yet transcendent Ascension Process. This field is assisted by two Adjutant Points, Illumination and Stillness. It is located in the Northeast region of the Golden City.

First Pillar: Innate Divinity
Our enlightened understanding of Ascension is spiritually supported by four seminal Ascended Master teachings, known as the Four Pillars — represented in this field. The First Pillar is the fundamental spiritual intelligence that all of humanity is blessed with innate divinity, through the Eight-sided Cell of Perfection. Our divinity connects humanity as ONE. This Evolutionary Field encourages and supports meaningful meditation and contemplation through Stillness — the remarkable Law of Alignment.

Second Pillar: Purify Karmic Actions
The perceptive teaching of the Second Pillar addresses the purification of the mind from karmic actions. This is achieved through the abandonment of judging others, and the cultivation of self-observation. The Evolutionary Field of the Mystic increases stillness and peace contained within the Violet Flame, and its ability to end karmic cycles.

Third Pillar: Freedom to Choose
The freedom to choose is the foundation of the Third Pillar. Choice is the cornerstone of freedom, and we are encouraged to not infringe on others’ personal preferences. The spiritual principles of the Second and Third Pillar are further assisted by the Illumination Point. Illumination encourages us to live without fear or judgment.

Fourth Pillar: The Law of Love
The Fourth Pillar is perhaps the simplest, yet most difficult tenet to apply. This is the Law of Love, and we are asked to love one another without conditions. Expectation limits our love and the key to experience and share love is realized through acceptance. The Evolutionary Field of Mysticism increases the light of our Ascension through the teachings of the Four Pillars. Pilgrimages to this field increases insight and spiritual knowledge of their wisdom and grace.

The Benefits of Golden City Pilgrimage

Perhaps the most inspirational aspect of Golden City Spiritual Pilgrimage is to connect with the presence and legacy of the Ascended Masters and their teachings of Ascension and intergalactic Spiritual Liberation. There are, however, many spiritual benefits that occur through this devotional spiritual practice.
Upaye, the Remedial Measure that Transmutes Karma
First, Spiritual Pilgrimage is a form of upaye – this is a spiritual remedial measure for karmic purification. The principle of upaye is founded in both Buddhist and Hindu understanding and assists the chela to overcome periods of difficulty. Pilgrimage can neutralize negative karmas and give an auspicious spiritual boon to your spiritual growth and development.
Realize Your Divine Light Within, Your Divine Light Without
Pilgrimage within a Golden City can increase the energy of the Ray Force in your spiritual energy system. This, too, has a remarkable impact on your light bodies as it treats that particular color ray by either increasing its benefic impact or neutralizing a negative presence. This can activate your Eight-sided Cell of Perfection accelerating your self-realization and the expression of your soul's purpose. Here is a list of the Rays and the planetary energies they influence:
• Blue Ray, Saturn, the Divine Will.
• Pink Ray, the Moon, the Divine Mother.
• Yellow Ray, Jupiter, Divine Wisdom.
• White Ray, Venus, the Divine Feminine.
• Green Ray, Mercury, the Divine Intellect.
• Gold and Ruby Ray, the Sun, the Divine Father.
• Ruby or Red Ray, Mars, the Divine Warrior.
• Violet Ray, the higher aspect of Saturn harmonizes with all of the planets including the Nodes, the Divine HU-man.
Rapid Movement of Photonic Light in a Golden City
Remember, each Adjutant Point has its unique Ray Force that may differ from the presiding Ray Force of that Golden City. This allows for the treatment and enhancement of various Ray Forces within only one Spiritual Pilgrimage. According to Saint Germain the Color Rays shift their energy throughout the Golden City and create a discernable periodic influence on the Four Doorways. It is important to understand this effect that adds yet another motivation for specific Spiritual Pilgrimages during particular time periods to induce certain results. The movement of the Rays throughout the Doorways is guided by the planets in our Solar System, and their juxtaposition to our Sun, the Earth’s inner Sun, the Galactic Center, and the DAHL-DERN umbilicus connection. According to Saint Germain this movement is predicated by the influence of the Gold Ray. All of these factors play a role in the absorption of the vital life-evolving energy of the Rays, especially the Gold Ray. Golden Cities act as capacitors to this fundamental life force and store and disburse light and sound energetics throughout the Evolutionary Biome.
Free Download
Enter the Evolutionary Biome
When you practice Golden City Spiritual Pilgrimage, you are effectively entering the Evolutionary Biome and can readily achieve multi-dimensional experience. This prepares your spiritual energetics to rapidly enter the Ascension Process as you cultivate your HU-man Development. Remember the HU-man embraces the ideals of transcendence, forgiveness, Spiritual Awakening, Innate Divinity, Ascension, and the immortality of both body and soul.
Absorb the Gold Ray
Spiritual Pilgrimage within a Golden City increases your absorption of the evolutionary Gold Ray, the Ray of Brotherhood, Cooperation, and Peace. The Gold Ray produces the qualities of perception, honesty, confidence, courage, and responsibility. It is also associated with leadership, independence, authority, ministration, and justice. The Gold Ray vibrates the energies of Divine Father on Earth. Its attributes are warm; perceptive; honest; confident; positive; independent; courageous; enduring; vital; leadership; responsible; ministration; authority; justice. The Gold Ray is also associated with the Great Central Sun, the Solar Logos, of which our Solar Sun is a Step-down Transformer of its energies. According to the Master Teachers, the Gold Ray is the epitome of change for the New Times. The Gold Ray is the ultimate authority of Cosmic Law and carries both our personal and worldwide Karma and Dharma (purpose). Its presence is designed to instigate responsible spiritual growth and planetary evolution as a shimmering light for humanity’s aspirations and the development of the HU-man. The Gold Ray, however, is also associated with Karmic justice, and will instigate change: constructive and destructive. The extent of catastrophe or transformation is contingent on humanity’s personal and collective spiritual growth and evolutionary process as we progress into the New Times.
HU-man Development through the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Energy Bodies
Last, but far from least, Golden City Spiritual Pilgrimage instigates the formation of higher energy light-fields, that set the stage for HU-man Growth and the Ascension Process. The I AM America Atlas, Golden Cities and the Masters of Shamballa, Evolutionary Biome, and Photons Propel Your Ascension, teach developmental and essential Spiritual Pilgrimages designed to seed, cultivate, and evolve the Light Bodies of Ascension. They are:
• Eighth Light Body: The Buddha Body or Field of Awakening, developed in two phases.
• Ninth Light Body: The Divine Blueprint, developed in three distinct phases.
• Tenth Light Body: The Triple Gem unites both the Ninth and Tenth Light Body and assists the attainment of the Seamless Garment.
• Eleventh Light Body: This energy body assists multi-dimensional experience and elevates our entrance into the Evolutionary Biome.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Earth's and Humanity's Consciousness Are ONE

Earth’s and Humanity’s Consciousness Are ONE
   "Who creates this magnetic Law of Attraction? Is it the collective consciousness? Or is it the planet itself? Dear hearts, as you cannot disconnect yourself from this planet, we must now look at this as a unity of consciousness, created also from beloved Babajeran, as well as the inhabitants, you, the Earth’s peoples, humanity. At this time, humanity, yes, is being accelerated, not only through its own requirements and evolution but also through its traveling through the universe, seeking a union with that Great Central Sun, the Source of life as it knows it.
   It is through this traveling in the universe that humanity has stumbled upon many other energies that are affecting it at this time. There have been many people who have discussed this in other works; however, to bring certain clarity, I would like for you to understand them as cosmic waves that exist in this universe. Each one of these waves is on the upside or on the downside, much like the movement of energy in the Kundalini. These waves travel from the Central Sun and out to the edges of the galaxy, as you know it. However, there are other waves that travel in a reverse order, for once they are sent out, would they then not return to that source? And then you have the interaction of these waves, weaving, shall we say, one upon the other.
   Now, imagine how long that Sun has existed, spreading these vibrations out through the galaxy and then, these cosmic waves bouncing back. It creates quite a tumbler effect, shall we say. However, there have been those mighty Elohim of consciousness, anchoring themselves on such pivotal planets as Saturn, also on Neptune, who serve as a harmony of sorts and allow a smoothing out of these energies. This gives a soothing effect to those inhabitants on the planet who are in the midst of these waves, who are then able to accept the new evolutionary pattern without it being too severe.
   The Earth is being prepared for one of these evolutionary leaps. You have felt the effect of what I have spoken of as time compaction. This is the traveling of the Earth through these cosmic wave belts, at times feeling like you are jumbling and tumbling through time. Pressure and compaction loosen into long and dreadful times and then, suddenly speed up again. These types of waves cause many problems among those who have not yet learned how to find that inner Source, that inner garden, that wellspring of the God I AM. It causes within them a sense of disruption in the nervous system and also problems in the energetic field. It causes not only an emotional discomfort but also, many of those who encounter this become filled with, shall we say, an animal-like fear. An animal-like presence emerges, as these are vibrations which do affect the instinctual bodies.
   It is important at this time to keep yourself bathed in the Violet Light of Mercy and Compassion. Understand it at all times, as the precious God-light that you carry within, the precious God-light that you extend to others who touch your worlds. It is important to understand these times. It is also important to understand the potential that these times hold.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Freedom through the Eighth Energy Body, the Gold Ray, and Travel to Gold...

Golden Cities and the Fourth Dimension

This Fourth Dimension is very important in understanding Golden City energies, for many, when they first enter them, hear this high-pitched ring, bringing immediately an alignment of thought, feeling, and action. Upon the entry into the Golden City Vortices, many are receiving an immediate adjustment of the light bodies; this is the high-pitched ring of that high millisecond, enabling a greater alignment through the Divine Will. This great alignment brings an understanding of the Fourth Dimension. It immediately brings a great sensitivity and awareness of the Kingdoms that exist in the unseen. They show us a parallel world that exists alongside the world that we have lived in. This parallel world has an understanding of the world that we live in, yet so few participate with it.

The wizards and the shaman of the past have understood the existence of the Fourth Dimension and they have used it for what would seem to be magic, miracles, and Alchemy. Dear ones, Dear hearts, this is an important understanding for gaining insight into the Fourth Dimension, for it is here that the first major alignment affects Mother Earth and her sojourn into her great change. This will bring about, as you well know, the mighty Earth Changes. These changes will come about through this greater change that is happening within the Fourth Dimension, as many souls enter into this greater understanding. The Fourth Dimension, when understood at this level, has a great impact upon the Animal Kingdom, the Vegetable Kingdom, and also the Mineral Kingdom; each of these Kingdoms of course always interacting in their higher level of understanding.
-Saint Germain from Temples ofConsciousness