Showing posts with label Golden City Vortex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden City Vortex. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2019

Lori Toye – The Ever Present Now – Golden Cities and the Galactic Web, 5...

Science of the Maltese Cross

Recent scientific research has created the first ever hologram of a single light particle—the photon. Einstein resolved the argument about whether light was wave or particle when he created the quantum theory of light that conceived that light exists in microscopic packets or particles that he called photons. He also knew that the flow of photons is a wave—so light contains its own form of polarity, it is both particle and wave. These two properties allow light, as a photon, to create both refraction and diffusion.
So when scientists wanted to view exactly what a photon would look like, they knew that they would be looking at something that might be tricky to detect: the shape of the wave fronts of a single photon. Physicist Erwin Schrodinger, an Austrian scientist, disliked the dual terminology of wave and particle, and set out to theorize in waves only, which led to the basis of wave mechanics, wave equation, and quantum wave function that has corroborated the recent research of physicists at the University of Warsaw. After reconstructing a series of 2,000 repetitious flashes of two photons intersecting and their subsequent interaction, they were able to create a hologram image and the shape of the photon’s wave function: a Maltese Cross.
The four directions of the Golden City represent the refraction and diffusion of light into the four doorways. They are: Northern Door, black; Eastern Door, cyan; Southern Door, magenta; and the Western Door, yellow.
Since a Golden City is prophesied to be 400 kilometers or 248 miles high, its elevations contain both terrestrial and spiritual significance that relate to atmosphere and planes of consciousness. It breaks down like this:
• 0 to 28 miles in elevation: Physical Plane (stratosphere)
• 28 to 191 miles in elevation: Astral Plane (ionosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere)
• 191 to 400 miles in elevation: Causal Plane (ionosphere, exosphere)
From Sacred Energies of the Golden Cities by Lori Toye

Golden City Vortices

The Rays and Earth's Light Bodies

Earth Ray: This Ray draws energy from the Prahanic Body of Earth. It is a denser Ray Force, and gives life to all created forms on Earth. The lighter pastel colors of the Blue Ray, the Pink Ray, and the Yellow Ray also correspond to Earth’s First Light Body.
Blue Ray: The Dark Blue Ray and Cobalt Blue Ray draw energy and force from Earth’s Second Light Body, known as Everno.
Pink Ray: The Magenta-Pink Ray draws energy and force from Earth’s Third Light Body Eshano. Eshano is affiliated with the everchanging evolutionary needs of life on Earth.
Yellow Ray: The Yellow Ray draws energy and force from the Earth’s Fourth Light Body Buitsha. This light body is associated with the “collective subconscious” of humanity.
White Ray: The White Ray draws energy and force from Earth’s Fifth Light Body. Earth’s Fifth Light Body is also known as the Golden Grid that empowers the fifty-one Golden Cities.
Green Ray: The Green Ray draws energy and force from Earth’s Sixth Light Body – a Cosmic Celestial Body. Earth’s Sixth Light body is affiliated with Avatars not only from Earth, but from nearby Galaxies. It is said to hold vast amounts of information: spiritual, prophetic, scientific, and Akashic. As a note, this is the energetic level that was accessed to download many of the I AM America prophecies and accompanying spiritual information.
Ruby-Gold Ray: The Ruby-Gold Ray draws energy and force from the Earth’s Seventh Light Body, also known as the Cosmic Causal Body. The Cosmic Causal Body of Earth is associated with the Great Central Sun – the Galactic Center.
Violet Ray: The Violet Ray draws energy and force from the Connectosphere, also known as Earth’s Eighth Light Body. The Connectosphere holds all of the lower Seven Bodies of the Earth together, and is associated with interstellar Unity Consciousness.
from Fields of Light

Connection between Prayer, Physical Experiences and the Golden Cities.

Earth's Grid

Ivan T. Sanderson, an early-century Scottish naturalist, first postulated the existence of an earth grid. He discussed a network of twelve, evenly spaced global Vortices, such as the Bermuda Triangle and the Oregon Vortex, which exist near the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer, and the North and South Poles. Here, enigmatic episodes—warped time and space, unexplained disappearances, mechanical malfunctions, and peculiar weather conditions—are the norm.
In the early 1970s, three Muscovite scientists—Nikolai Goncharov, Vyacheslav Morozov, and Valery Makarov—advanced Sanderson’s findings. Published in the Soviet science journal, Khimiya i Zhizn, their article “Is the Earth a Large Crystal?” described the planet as a “matrix of cosmic energy.” According to Russians, earth is a complex life form—a giant sphere of crystal that exhibits crystal-like properties. Images from space lend credence to this theory. Researchers discovered a mosaic of crystalline structures underneath the earth’s surface. These grid-like delineations follow fault lines, UFO sightings, and the boundaries of tectonic plates, the centers of ancient civilizations, and the migratory paths of animals.
The trio found distinct, faceted patterns: a series of seven crystalline structures comprising the five Platonic solids and two biologically important crystals, rhombic triacontahedron and rhombic dodecahedron. Each face of the crystal produces a grid map, yielding different results and phenomena.
But the secrets of the earth’s true makeup reach far beyond present-day theory. Ancient cultures realized our planet’s role as a sphere and as a group of crystals. A creation story of the Sioux describes the powers of the earth elements: “In the beginning, all was hoops within hoops, within hoops. These hoops were orbital paths: earth around the sun, the sun’s around the center of the Milky Way, and the electron’s around the nucleus. Everything at every scale had the same essential spherical shape and orbital path.” The conclusion of this Siouan narrative asks humanity to embrace the sixteen hoops, composed of the fifteen edges of earth’s crystal group and the sixteenth orbital path.
The Golden City Grid is actually a mathematical equation based on one additional hoop: this creates sixteen facets on the crystal; the seventeenth forms the final orbital hoop. The number seventeen is noteworthy in other historical and theosophical applications, too.
Linked to the Star of the Magi and the birth of the Christ Consciousness, seventeen is a hallmark of ancient Chaldean numerology. This culture believes it is the eight-pointed Star of Venus—an image of love, peace, and immortality. The numerical value of seventeen also shows up in divination practices: the Tarot Star, according to tradition, symbolizes the divine power of nature.
by Lori Toye from Points of Perception


The existence of Vortices is the foundation of the I AM America Prophecies—that’s why the understanding of this concept is paramount to grasping the teaching of the Ascended Masters. The Vortex is a polarized motion body, meaning it creates its own electromagnetic field. It’s characterized by a concentration of energy and, in some cases, psychic gravity. Rock formations act as energizing points for the earth’s electromagnetic energies.
Vortices often form at the intersection lei lines (the earth’s energy meridians), also known as “power spots.” Think of it as the geographic equivalent of the longitudinal and the latitudinal coordinates that circle the globe. The convergence of meridian lines can warp time and energy, and align molecular structure with phenomenal accuracy. Vortices and lei lines also embrace animate characteristics: the yin and yang; female and male.
Although all Vortices embody electromagnetic properties, they fall into two general categories: electric and magnetic. Electrical Vortices, the yin or the feminine, tend to open the central nervous system and stimulate neural passages. Magnetic Vortices, however, identify with spiritual or ethereal energies, and the yang or the masculine essence. These Vortices encourage deep meditation and physical rejuvenation. A person’s psychic awareness—along with his or her telepathy and the frequency of lucid dreaming—may intensify in these areas.
Many Vortices are highly sacred places where dimensions interplay like cracks between worlds. For instance, the geomancy—or divination of earth material—of the Sedona Vortices is well documented. These formations serve as hallowed highways, ferrying spiritual energies to the material realm. Here, the healing of physical, emotional, and spiritual maladies is optimal.
from Points of Perception

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Western Shamballa Tradition: Part One

Shamballa, which means to make sacred, is the earth’s first Golden City. The notion of Shamballa represents peace, happiness, and tranquility. It’s a place of spiritual cleanliness and divine dominion; it’s the ethereal home and sanctuary of Sanat Kumara. To understand Shamballa’s metaphysical antiquity is to grasp its complex timeline. According to modern occult literature, this mystic metropolis existed more than 60,000 years ago. Other sources suggest that Sanat Kumara’s legion of volunteers descended to earth millions of years ago to build and inhabit the first incarnation of Shamballa. Over its long and calamitous history, the White City experienced a series of cataclysmic Earth Changes that destroyed it three times during sensitive alignments with the Galactic Light of the Great Central Sun. This cosmic susceptibility occurs when the progression of yugas (periods of Vedic timekeeping) move from one age of light to another. Sanat Kumara’s followers rebuilt Shamballa twice; the third time the White City ascended beyond the physical realm where it now exists in etheric perpetuity. This is the thirty-sixth Golden City Vortex of Gobi, known today as the City of Balance. It is located in China over the Qilian Shan Mountains next to the Gobi Desert.
This City of White served a specific purpose: to save the earth and humanity from certain annihilation. Stories like this in the Bible abound. Man’s faith falters; his connection with God dims; and moral, physical, and spiritual depravity prevail—as was the state of the earth before the Time of Shamballa. In a theosophical sense, universal principles demand a certain level of spiritual enlightenment for an entity to exist. The earth and its inhabitants, however, consistently fell short; so a cosmic council of divine luminaries, including Sanat Kumara, voted to destroy the unfit planet.
But the compassionate Venusian Lord wouldn’t allow earth to fall into oblivion. Instead, he offered his light to balance the planet’s metaphysical darkness and disharmony. As word spread of the Master’s plans, devotees—144,000 of them—volunteered to accompany their guru on his Karmic Mission. One hundred of Sanat Kumara’s stalwarts arrived on earth 900 years beforehand to proliferate light; propagate the Flame of Consciousness; and prepare for the coming of Shamballa.
But, Sanat Kumara’s volunteers paid a heavy spiritual price: Karma. No longer would their Venusian souls enjoy the fruits of constant consciousness. Instead, as terrestrial bodies bound to the wheel of embodiment, they would follow the Laws of Earth—death, birth, and the passing of forgotten lifetimes—as their incarnating light energy lifted the consciousness of earth.
Esoteric teachings say fellow Venusian Serapis Bey served as Sanat Kumara’s first volunteer. With an affinity for architecture, this Master Teacher—along with the Seraphic Hosts he served with on the planets of Mercury, Aquaria, and Uranus—offered to oversee the creation of Shamballa. Serapis Bey, the exalted being of light, performed one of the greatest sacrifices in Ascended Master legend by descending—as the light of heavens dimmed—into a physical body. On earth, with his legions of seraphim, Serapis Bey oversaw the building of the White City for nine centuries. His sacrifice awarded him the honor of the Divine Architect of Shamballa. This legend is analogous to the Hindu deity Tvashtri, later known as VishvaKarma, the celestial architect credited with the designing of the Universe and its contents. VishvaKarma represents the power of regeneration and longevity. Serapis Bey later incarnated as Phidias, the great designer of the Parthenon, the classical sculptor of the Statue of Zeus, and the architect of the Temple of the Goddess Athena.
-from Points of Perception, by Lori Toye