Friday, November 15, 2019

Teachings on Sound

Each Ray Force has a specific sound; Master Teachers claim that “light is complemented by sound.”
Sound and light are best friends; these forces combine to form a power.
 According to Saint Germain, sound seals and delivers the essence of the lighted command, which refers to the quality and force of sound. It allows lightto carry forth a conscious intention in the Co-creative process.
 Even though each Ray Force is assigned a sound vibration, chelas and students should meditate on a specific color instead. This process of discovery will lead the student to a personal experience of the sound. Sounds are individualized on a chela’s various experiences, lifetimes on Earth, and working with certain Ray Forces.
 Since sound will naturally seek its own level, the sound vibration heard during meditation is most harmonizing for that individual; it is a sound the student is best prepared to receive.
 Some sounds carry high frequencies and may be difficult for a chela to absorb, harmonize, or apply at first. Revealing the individual sounds of the Rays within their light bodies through meditation assures a custom-fitted sound, designed to assist the interplay of light frequencies in the aura.
 To find your unique sound for decree and mantra listen carefully for a recurring sound vibration during meditation.
 You will soon identify a particular sound beginning with a consonant (e.g., B, C, D, F, G, H …).
 This sound can be used to activate the Kundalini and open chakras and perception to higher spiritual arenas.
 Often the intricate sounds heard during meditation are mathematical harmonies—an expression of the Interplay of the Rays—working to correct deficiencies of the Rays or harmonizing the Rays in the aura of the individual.
 Continued use of the Violet Flame is always recommended while identifying and utilizing personal Ray tones and vibrations.
 Saint Germain often reminds one “Only through your own practice can you experience the force of God working within you.” This personal experience is vital to the evolutionary process; it incites clarity and understanding in the personal desire to serve the Light of God.
by Lori Toye from Light of Awakening

El Morya on Manifestation

Greetings Beloved chelas, I AM El Morya, and I come forth on the Blue Ray of Truth, the Blue Ray of Wisdom. I come forth on the Blue Ray of Focus. Dear ones, do I have permission to bring my focus into your energy?
Response: “Please enter and welcome, and thank you for coming.”
These are the beginnings of my personal decree. It may sound as though this is a large job, to bring forward the focus of truth, the focus of the will of God; however, it is with the will that the focus is truly maintained and, as it is my assignment to align the will of all those who desire alignment to the divine, I too now speak of the will. The will, Dear one, is the active energetic participation that keeps the Immaculate Concept on focus and purpose. It is the agreement-committal-energy action that allows all that you desire to come forth. It is most sacred and beautiful to have a focus; it is most sacred and beautiful to have the desire; but it is the will that creates the action. I would ask you now to, on a daily basis, call forth your will into Divine Alignment and Service. Then, as you decree for that which you desire, it will come forward, for it is the will that keeps you on purpose.
We have spoken many times of these Co-creative energetic balances of thought, feeling, and will; the thought being the light; the feeling, the sound; the will, the action. That is Co-creative. You, Dear one, are on the path of Co-creatorship. That which you think, instantaneously manifests, whether it is fear, anger, or doubt. We ask you to hold this Immaculate Concept and in a moment when the Immaculate Concept is difficult, as Brother Sananda stated very simply, “step back into your I AM Presence.” Step back, take your breath, find the joy and the true essence of who you are. Bring that forward with a determination and a focus will never, ever be bent. These are the energetic patterns that one must discipline on this path.
There is compassion always. For yes, you have stumbled. For yes, even I have, on this path in human form. But it was the determination that, in the stumbling, I once again regained my footing. I stood there for a moment, took the breath, stepped into the space of the I AM that is within me, brought forth that focus, held that as an Immaculate Concept, and brought that forth in joy, in the determination to always stay on purpose. When you follow these, as a step-by-step procedure, success is insured. All will come to you, whether it be a need for financial assistance, whether it be the need for help. All will come to you.
Decree in the same manner: step back into the space, define what it is you truly desire, and come forth and decree in the name of the I AM THAT I AM that this be manifest, fulfilled, and sustained. Then release that and know that it will be. We ask you, as we always have in these teachings, to come forward in this perfection.
by El Morya from Fields of Light

Science of the Maltese Cross

Recent scientific research has created the first ever hologram of a single light particle—the photon. Einstein resolved the argument about whether light was wave or particle when he created the quantum theory of light that conceived that light exists in microscopic packets or particles that he called photons. He also knew that the flow of photons is a wave—so light contains its own form of polarity, it is both particle and wave. These two properties allow light, as a photon, to create both refraction and diffusion.
So when scientists wanted to view exactly what a photon would look like, they knew that they would be looking at something that might be tricky to detect: the shape of the wave fronts of a single photon. Physicist Erwin Schrodinger, an Austrian scientist, disliked the dual terminology of wave and particle, and set out to theorize in waves only, which led to the basis of wave mechanics, wave equation, and quantum wave function that has corroborated the recent research of physicists at the University of Warsaw. After reconstructing a series of 2,000 repetitious flashes of two photons intersecting and their subsequent interaction, they were able to create a hologram image and the shape of the photon’s wave function: a Maltese Cross.
The four directions of the Golden City represent the refraction and diffusion of light into the four doorways. They are: Northern Door, black; Eastern Door, cyan; Southern Door, magenta; and the Western Door, yellow.
Since a Golden City is prophesied to be 400 kilometers or 248 miles high, its elevations contain both terrestrial and spiritual significance that relate to atmosphere and planes of consciousness. It breaks down like this:
• 0 to 28 miles in elevation: Physical Plane (stratosphere)
• 28 to 191 miles in elevation: Astral Plane (ionosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere)
• 191 to 400 miles in elevation: Causal Plane (ionosphere, exosphere)
From Sacred Energies of the Golden Cities by Lori Toye

Creativity Is the Becoming

You who are breath of my breath! Heart of my heart! You! I AM very pleased that you have continued on in the trade that we ply here of messengership. I AM very pleased that you hold the desire of completion! Now we come to the final step of references noted in this book for the Province, these Jurisdictions. We come to this final step so that all may understand Creativity! So that all may understand that the vibration of Creation comes forth from the Desire of Creativity!
This Creativity is the actual expression of active energy, the activated motion of Creation. For a thing of beauty that is set in a moment of perfection is indeed, in that moment, always in perfection! It is the becoming of the Creativity that is the motion that brings forth the Creation. This comes only from desire. Creativity is the process and the path that all must follow to bring forth the perfection of Creation! It is the perfect Oneness, the eternal understanding that allows motion.
It is the becoming. It is the unfolding. It is the enfolding. It is the expansion. It is even the compaction of the motion of Creation! Creativity is the sum and total of all frequencies of Creation being expressed.
See Creativity as you sow the seed in the field. See Creativity as you carve the wood to fulfill your Desire, as you paint the picture, as you draw and design your buildings and machines.
See Creativity in the words your write. See Creativity in the love you express! See Creativity in the sports, the excelling of your bodies. All is the expression of Creation and each of these is a frequency of Creation. Each frequency is Creativity, and it is the collective Creativity that is the I AM of Creation.
Lord Sananda from New World Wisdom, Volume One

The Inner Awakening - Prophecy - Lori Toye

Lord Meru

Some accounts of Ascended Master teachings claim this Ascended Master is the blond and blue-eyed avatar who appeared in 15,000 BC to Atlanteans to warn of imminent Earth Changes. The myth alleges no one listened, and his radiant crystal sphere of light disappeared and five years later the continent—known as Meru, rolled to the East. The Atlantean culture led by Casimir Poseidon was forever submerged in cataclysmic ocean waters, and its once glorious history diluted to legend and myth. In other esoteric teachings, the image of Lord Meru morphs into the great Native American teacher Lord Macaw; his symbol is the parrot, a representation of beauty, wisdom, and spiritual knowledge. The parrot is said to be the teacher of the birds of the Himalayans, and the White Parrot—also known as the Filial Parrot— hovers to the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin’s right side as a symbol of ancestral respect. Lord Macaw’s dark skin is contrasted by a colorful headdress filled with parrot, trogon, and quetzal bird feathers, a symbol of Quetzalcoatl—the Christ Consciousness.
Also known as the Great Sage of Ancient Mu—Ameru, Lord Meru was the Keeper of the Scrolls in Lemuria’s final days. Esoteric historians claim the destruction of Mu began before 30,000 BC and continued for thousands of years. The final termination of the great civilization of the Pacific occurred between 9,000 and 12,000 BC, prior to the destruction of Poseidonis—the remaining lands of Atlantis. The Spiritual Hierarchy entrusted Lord Meru and his partner and high priestess Amara-Mara, known as the Goddess Meru with scientific and spiritual records associated with the Right Hand Path and the Temple of Divine Light along with its venerated symbol and spiritual device: the Golden Disk of the Sun. Before the final cataclysms of Lemuria, it is claimed the pair traveled to Ancient South America in a “silver-needed airship” and safely re-established the sacred disk and the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays on the shores of the newly formed Lago Titicaca—Lake Titicaca.
Ascended Master myth claims Lord Meru spent many years as a spiritual ascetic wandering the new lands of South America, and he later joined forces with immigrants from the devastated lands. Through the use of the light forces concentrated within the Golden Disk, they cut blocks of stone to construct new buildings which became libraries and temples of Lemurian science, culture, spirituality, and esoteric knowledge. It is claimed these structures still exist to this day, and the ancient sanctuary of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays is carefully guarded by the Great White Brotherhood.
Lord Meru’s spiritual initiation began in the capital city of Lemuria, known as the Lands of Rama, now present-day Sri Lanka. The Lands of Rama are also known as the ancient empire of India which thrived until 10,000 to 15,000 BC. The radiant energies of the once antediluvian temples of the city generate the etheric Mount Meru—acclaimed in both Hindu and Buddhist cosmology as the center of earth’s spiritual and metaphysical universes—home of the Devas. The spiritual mountain is said to be four to nine miles high, shaped like an hourglass, and guarded by the Four Great Kings of the Earth: the four directions. Before Lemuria’s geological demise, Lord Meru’s brother, Lord Himalaya, also immigrated from the Lemurian capital to the present-day Pamir Mountains, northeast of Kashmir, and established the Retreat of the Blue Lotus.
The two spiritual refuges of Lemuria founded by two brothers deeply influenced the post-Atlantis’ New World spirituality. Lord Himalaya’s Retreat of the Blue Lotus radiated spiritual energy to the Eastern culture of Sumera—Ancient Mesopotamia, India, and China. Lord Meru’s Brotherhood of the Seven Rays impacted spiritual growth in the West and the lands of Ameru—now known as America. In the New Times the Ascended Masters state the island of Sri Lanka, the once Lemurian sanctuary of Lord Meru and Lord Himalaya, will be known as the Holy Island. Today Lord Meru, Lord Himalaya, and the Goddess Meru each steward these Golden Cities—respectively, the Golden City of Gobi, which step-downs the energies of Shamballa into the entire Golden City Network; the Golden City of Adjatal located near the Retreat of the Blue Lotus, whose name means the Big Rainbow, (Adjatal is a tribute to the ancient Brotherhood of the Seven Rays); and the Golden City of Andeo, located in present-day Peru, which radiates much needed Feminine energies throughout the New Times to assist the incoming souls known as the Seventh Manu.
From Divine Destiny by Lori Toye

Saint Germain on Wakefulness

Question: “If you are awake and your collective essence or energy is directly related to the Earth, how do the dead, the asleep, drug addicts, or other abused souls affect the Earth? Compared to how the awake affect the Earth? Does it take a lot more, or is it half and half? Is this going to make a bearing on how soon the Earth crumbles and is destroyed? Does the Earth need the energy of awakened people?”
There is a percentage of people who sleep; there is a percentage of people who are awake. And this has always been and always shall be. However, for the New Dimensions to be opened, and to traverse through time with a leap in consciousness, a certain percentage of wakefulness is required. This of course, must be subjective first, and then understood and experienced on an objective or collective level. The individual choices that you make become choices made for all of humanity.
If one person, one individual, subjectively awakens to this objective ideal and begins to understand how individual choice affects, in essence the whole, then in one small way an opening, a portal, a window for consciousness grows. This is achieved day by day through the holding of thought, visualization, and an understanding of peace. However, there are still those who will remain in a dead zone. These are those who must be left, they must be discarded, as was spoken in the Book of Revelations: two are standing in the field, side by side; one will go, the other will stay. Do you understand? This choosing is not by [a] God. This choosing is through the will, the developed will, the conscious will as God in man!
It is a choice and a commitment to stay firmly rooted. Recognize that when someone is asleep it is not necessarily your responsibility to awaken their slumber, but to allow their choice. For within their dream, some day, they will awaken to the ONE reality, the ONE truth, which is within.
From Points of Perception by Lori Toye

Saint Germain on Polarity, Choice, and the ONE

There is a Master we know as the Herakhan Babaji who has said, “There is no saint without a past and that there is no sinner without a future.” They are the same. How may one be a saint on this planet and plane without sin? How can one go forward without knowing what was behind? This is the experience of choice. In choice, you and I are the same. We all have levels of choice. We have levels of understanding. We have levels of discipline. We have levels of acceptance. This is the path of Mastery and the levels of acceptance are unlimited! All that is blocked will be freed! All that is dark will be made light! All that is dark somewhere contains the secret of light! It is through this understanding that creation comes forward and is sustained.
Have you ever considered that there is a dark side of the Moon? Have you ever considered that the Moon does not rotate on an axis as your planet does? Have you ever considered that your Sun, which is a physical manifestation of the Light of God which Never Fails, also has a rotation? By our perspective, from this planetary point, there is a dark side of the Sun and there is a dark side of the Moon. Have you ever considered there is the all-encompassing perspective of the ONE that transports one focus to an infinite focus? Consider that your life is all that you choose. You may choose to accept, you may choose to reject. It is part of your path and it is your Divine Right.
He that chooses to be a farmer may shun the lumber cutter. He that chooses a lumber cutter may shun the farmer. It is a choice. When you make a conscious choice, the outer experience disciplines your perspective of creation. It disciplines your viewpoint. It brings you to these points of understanding. Many of you who have grown gardens know nothing of lumbering. And many of you who have lumbered know nothing of gardening or farming. Choice is infinite experience.
We are all ONE in the sojourn of the experience of creation. We have all planted those seeds and reaped the bountiful harvest. We have all gone to war and conquered. We have all been conquered and have been the victims. This is the experience and there is not one that is more valuable than another! Understand that you are all of these! You are all unto your genetic coding. You and I are ONE. Our experiences are equal. Trials or tribulations, we are the same. It is the same path. It is the path of the Mastery of the self, to learn the discipline of infinite possibility and the expansion of choice.
If you choose to cook one type of food and that food only, that is your focus in that moment. If you neglect the completion of a focus and go to another focus, then that which you left will be spoiled. Finish what you start so your experience is not spoiled. Then, will your experience come to the full fruition, full breath, full life, and full understanding.
From New World Wisdom, Three by Lori and Lenard Toye

Conception of Perfection

"Welcome, my Beloved chelas, I AM Mary and I come forth on that which is the Green Ray, brought forth for the ministry of service upon the planet. Dear one, that which is the service of the heart has long been seen as the Heart’s Desire. There are those upon the Earth Plane and Planet who see desire as passion or desire as the whim of the ego. However, Dear one, it is I who would like to clarify that which is desire. Desire is that within the genetic coding, held within the heart’s self, which strives the being, or the body of light, to obtain ONE with perfection for the removal of the separation. Dear one, you have known and you have felt separation and we have explained to you simply that it is not so. This is not a new concept to you; however, it becomes a perpetual and continuous choice that you make in your Third Density world.
Dear one, desire is that which comes from the Perfected Cell. It is indeed the cell that duplicates throughout the system and allows one to perceive or even have the conception of perfection. Dear one, it was I who individualized the conception of a Perfected Cell, even within a human body, itself. It was this conception of this Perfect Cell that allowed me to bring forth the individualization of the Immaculate Conception. Immaculate Conception is exactly as it states: “immaculate” means purity of thought and intent. There is indeed a focus that is held for that which is the Perfect Cell. The Perfect Cell is founded on that which is the space or frequency known as desire.
All of you hold desire within this Perfect Cell. For you see, Dear one, it cannot come forth without the desire of perfection. For any of you who have achieved anything in your Third Density world, anything that is held of great value to you - having assisted you in your growth and your world or work - was something that you desired. It was something that you held long, not only within your thinking world, but in your heart, longing for. This is known as desire, Dear one, this heart’s longing. Desire is indeed a function of the Cellular Awakening. It is an important concept or perception that you must hold.
Dear one, it has been said that a man cannot win a race unless he sees himself as the winner. You indeed cannot become perfected until you have the desire to be perfect. This desire is built upon the Eight-sided matrix of the Perfect Cell. We ask for you, Dear one, to judge not the form, but to honor the function. Beloved Lady Master Venus has talked much about Divine Form and now I shall speak to you about Divine Function. The function of the Perfect Cell allows the body to accept the new energetic pattern of perfection. This is indeed a new concept to you; however, it is the concept that was held long in your own Immaculate Conception.
Dear one, you carry the blueprint of perfection. This is always and always shall be.
Dear one, I AM Mary and I step forth on the blueprint of perfection. I AM that which is held, the Immaculate Concept of perfection and that indeed is the work of a heart, individualized upon the Earth’s Plane and Planet. Step forth, Dear one, immaculately conceived in perfection, for you are only that. Dear one, it is through your desire and the balance of love, wisdom, and power that build the foundation for the intent and motivation of desire. Dear one, I come to you, I come to you through that which I AM - Love."
from Fields of Light by Lori Toye

Akashic Records

Timeless, immortal records of all created things, especially souls and their many lifetimes. There are many varying accounts of Akashic Records, however, in the I AM America Teachings these records are held individually and ethereally (Fifth Dimension) in Golden City Vortices. The Seventh Light Body is an egg-shaped ovoid with extremely strong threads of light that form a golden grid. This energy body contains both the Golden Thread Axis and Tube of Light that connect to the I AM Presence. It is alleged that this light body holds personal Akashic Records that are key to past-life memory. Akashic Records contain the accounts of all created things and events from time immemorial, both significant and insignificant. These records are constructed from the fifth cosmic element: ether.
from Sacred Energies of the Golden Cities

Manu and the New Children

A Manu is any root race or group of souls inhabiting a vast time period (era or epoch) on Earth. Manu is also a mythical, cosmic being who oversees the souls during their incarnation process, throughout the duration of that specific time period. Some consider Manu a type of spiritual office, not unlike a “World Teacher.” For example, one evolved cosmic being will serve as Manu for one world cycle, and when it ends, it will move on in the evolutionary process. A different entity will then serve as Manu for the next group. Each group of souls has a different energy and purpose. Seventh Manu children possess advanced capabilities—astute intellect, vast spiritual knowledge, and keen psychic abilities.
The Seventh Manu are highly evolved life streams that began to embody Earth between the years 1981 to 3650. Their goal is to anchor freedom and the qualities of the Seventh Ray to the conscious activity on this planet. They are prophesied as the generation of peace and grace for the Golden Age. South America is their forecasted home, though small groups will incarnate other areas of the globe. Their Manu or sponsor is Mother Mary.
From New World Wisdom, Book Three