Showing posts with label Ascended Master Teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ascended Master Teaching. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ascension Process

The Ascension Process, according to Saint Germain, gathers the energies of the individual chakras and expands their energy through the heart. The Law of Love calibrates the energy fields (aura) to Zero Point—a physical and philosophical viewpoint of neutrality. From there, the subtle and fine tuning of the light bodies is effectuated through the higher chakras, sequentially including the Throat Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and finally the Crown Chakra. Zero Point is key in this process and it is here that the energies of all past lives are brought to psychological and physical (karmic) balance. Then the initiate is able to withdraw their light bodies from the physical plane into the Astral Light of the Fourth Dimension. The Ascension Process may take several lifetimes to complete and the beginning stages are defined through the arduous process of obtaining self-knowledge, the acceptance of the conscious immortality of the soul, and the use of Alchemy through the Violet Flame. Intermediate stages may manifest the anomalies of Dimensional Acceleration, Vibrational Shifting, Cellular Awakening and Acceleration, and contact with the Fourth Dimension. Use of the Gold Ray at this level accelerates the liberation process and unites the individual with soul mates and their beloved Twin Ray. Later stages of Ascension include the transfiguration of light bodies and Fifth Dimensional contact through the super-senses as the magnificent Seamless Garment manifests its light. It is claimed that the Golden Cities assist the Ascension Process at every stage of development. According to the Master Teachers diet and fasting will also aid the Ascension Process at various phases.
From: Building the Seamless Garment, Revealing the Secret Teachings of Ascension and the Golden Cities

Cells, Citrus, and Energy by Saint Germain

“Of course this is why we ask for changes within the diet. As you understand the physiology of minerals, the physiology of your circulatory system, and the physiology of the substance of light, what you are working to achieve is to bring greater light into the cells.
This light of course is carried in all food substances to a greater or lesser degree, but as I have stated before, it is indeed at this time the citrus plants which carry in their fruits and rinds this greater enlightenment for the body. This arcing of energy that comes from the Great Central Sun and onward to your Sun then is able to permeate, allowing this process of the removal of fear at the genetic level and bringing the true divinity forward.
In the Times of Great Changes, many will begin to understand this process. Not only will it be understood at the scientific and dietary level, but the understanding of higher consciousness will be applied alongside it. There will be many who seek to know and understand. Beloved Babajeran too has offered herself to be of service at this time, to bring a greater enlightenment and assistance in this great Time of Global Ascent.”
From: Building the Seamless Garment: Revealing the Secret Teachings of Ascension and the Golden Cities

Transmuting Genetically Held Fear

For you see, Dear ones, there are those who live with great fear, those who live with the fear of impending doom, those who would live, shall we say, seeking only protection and safety from fear which resides within themselves. Now, this fear has occurred for many generations and lifetime after lifetime, and, you see, it can adhere to the genetic structure and is passed on from one family to the next and to the next. When an opportunity like this occurs, this allows one to transmute, even genetically, lifetime after lifetime of genetic-held fear—Cellular Fear. The light that emanates from the Great Central Sun is the light that shall free you all. It is the Light of Awakening. When we gave you instruction of the Cellular Awakening, this is, too, what we were referring to, and the increase of light is available for all to partake of. There are many opportunities that will come to accelerate this light process upon the Earth. It is indeed an acceleration of the light process, an acceleration of love, and an acceleration of Unity Consciousness. This is the only solution that can stop cataclysmic change and heal all as ONE.
    Prophecy, as you know Dear beloveds, has been brought forward, to expedite this process, to bring forward the unconscious fear within yourself. Facing fears enables purification and redemption; then one is able to face the future with hope and love and a willingness to create for the good of all. Indeed when all are in this Consciousness of Light then—truly then, and I say this from a firmness of knowledge—all benefit; all are then received as ONE. So you see, during this process you spin off the past; spin off the karma of many lifetimes of fear, of war, of poverty, deceptions, betrayals, and the little hurts that occur to one. Now we see the results of past dharma and your purpose is connected to letting go of fear, letting go of the little wants, letting go of the little trappings that can keep you trapped within the world of your perception. – Saint Germain
From: Building the Seamless Garment: Revealing the Secret Teachings of Ascension and the Golden Cities

Teachings on Sound

Each Ray Force has a specific sound; Master Teachers claim that “light is complemented by sound.”
Sound and light are best friends; these forces combine to form a power.
 According to Saint Germain, sound seals and delivers the essence of the lighted command, which refers to the quality and force of sound. It allows lightto carry forth a conscious intention in the Co-creative process.
 Even though each Ray Force is assigned a sound vibration, chelas and students should meditate on a specific color instead. This process of discovery will lead the student to a personal experience of the sound. Sounds are individualized on a chela’s various experiences, lifetimes on Earth, and working with certain Ray Forces.
 Since sound will naturally seek its own level, the sound vibration heard during meditation is most harmonizing for that individual; it is a sound the student is best prepared to receive.
 Some sounds carry high frequencies and may be difficult for a chela to absorb, harmonize, or apply at first. Revealing the individual sounds of the Rays within their light bodies through meditation assures a custom-fitted sound, designed to assist the interplay of light frequencies in the aura.
 To find your unique sound for decree and mantra listen carefully for a recurring sound vibration during meditation.
 You will soon identify a particular sound beginning with a consonant (e.g., B, C, D, F, G, H …).
 This sound can be used to activate the Kundalini and open chakras and perception to higher spiritual arenas.
 Often the intricate sounds heard during meditation are mathematical harmonies—an expression of the Interplay of the Rays—working to correct deficiencies of the Rays or harmonizing the Rays in the aura of the individual.
 Continued use of the Violet Flame is always recommended while identifying and utilizing personal Ray tones and vibrations.
 Saint Germain often reminds one “Only through your own practice can you experience the force of God working within you.” This personal experience is vital to the evolutionary process; it incites clarity and understanding in the personal desire to serve the Light of God.
by Lori Toye from Light of Awakening

El Morya on Manifestation

Greetings Beloved chelas, I AM El Morya, and I come forth on the Blue Ray of Truth, the Blue Ray of Wisdom. I come forth on the Blue Ray of Focus. Dear ones, do I have permission to bring my focus into your energy?
Response: “Please enter and welcome, and thank you for coming.”
These are the beginnings of my personal decree. It may sound as though this is a large job, to bring forward the focus of truth, the focus of the will of God; however, it is with the will that the focus is truly maintained and, as it is my assignment to align the will of all those who desire alignment to the divine, I too now speak of the will. The will, Dear one, is the active energetic participation that keeps the Immaculate Concept on focus and purpose. It is the agreement-committal-energy action that allows all that you desire to come forth. It is most sacred and beautiful to have a focus; it is most sacred and beautiful to have the desire; but it is the will that creates the action. I would ask you now to, on a daily basis, call forth your will into Divine Alignment and Service. Then, as you decree for that which you desire, it will come forward, for it is the will that keeps you on purpose.
We have spoken many times of these Co-creative energetic balances of thought, feeling, and will; the thought being the light; the feeling, the sound; the will, the action. That is Co-creative. You, Dear one, are on the path of Co-creatorship. That which you think, instantaneously manifests, whether it is fear, anger, or doubt. We ask you to hold this Immaculate Concept and in a moment when the Immaculate Concept is difficult, as Brother Sananda stated very simply, “step back into your I AM Presence.” Step back, take your breath, find the joy and the true essence of who you are. Bring that forward with a determination and a focus will never, ever be bent. These are the energetic patterns that one must discipline on this path.
There is compassion always. For yes, you have stumbled. For yes, even I have, on this path in human form. But it was the determination that, in the stumbling, I once again regained my footing. I stood there for a moment, took the breath, stepped into the space of the I AM that is within me, brought forth that focus, held that as an Immaculate Concept, and brought that forth in joy, in the determination to always stay on purpose. When you follow these, as a step-by-step procedure, success is insured. All will come to you, whether it be a need for financial assistance, whether it be the need for help. All will come to you.
Decree in the same manner: step back into the space, define what it is you truly desire, and come forth and decree in the name of the I AM THAT I AM that this be manifest, fulfilled, and sustained. Then release that and know that it will be. We ask you, as we always have in these teachings, to come forward in this perfection.
by El Morya from Fields of Light

Creativity Is the Becoming

You who are breath of my breath! Heart of my heart! You! I AM very pleased that you have continued on in the trade that we ply here of messengership. I AM very pleased that you hold the desire of completion! Now we come to the final step of references noted in this book for the Province, these Jurisdictions. We come to this final step so that all may understand Creativity! So that all may understand that the vibration of Creation comes forth from the Desire of Creativity!
This Creativity is the actual expression of active energy, the activated motion of Creation. For a thing of beauty that is set in a moment of perfection is indeed, in that moment, always in perfection! It is the becoming of the Creativity that is the motion that brings forth the Creation. This comes only from desire. Creativity is the process and the path that all must follow to bring forth the perfection of Creation! It is the perfect Oneness, the eternal understanding that allows motion.
It is the becoming. It is the unfolding. It is the enfolding. It is the expansion. It is even the compaction of the motion of Creation! Creativity is the sum and total of all frequencies of Creation being expressed.
See Creativity as you sow the seed in the field. See Creativity as you carve the wood to fulfill your Desire, as you paint the picture, as you draw and design your buildings and machines.
See Creativity in the words your write. See Creativity in the love you express! See Creativity in the sports, the excelling of your bodies. All is the expression of Creation and each of these is a frequency of Creation. Each frequency is Creativity, and it is the collective Creativity that is the I AM of Creation.
Lord Sananda from New World Wisdom, Volume One

The Inner Awakening - Prophecy - Lori Toye

Saint Germain on Wakefulness

Question: “If you are awake and your collective essence or energy is directly related to the Earth, how do the dead, the asleep, drug addicts, or other abused souls affect the Earth? Compared to how the awake affect the Earth? Does it take a lot more, or is it half and half? Is this going to make a bearing on how soon the Earth crumbles and is destroyed? Does the Earth need the energy of awakened people?”
There is a percentage of people who sleep; there is a percentage of people who are awake. And this has always been and always shall be. However, for the New Dimensions to be opened, and to traverse through time with a leap in consciousness, a certain percentage of wakefulness is required. This of course, must be subjective first, and then understood and experienced on an objective or collective level. The individual choices that you make become choices made for all of humanity.
If one person, one individual, subjectively awakens to this objective ideal and begins to understand how individual choice affects, in essence the whole, then in one small way an opening, a portal, a window for consciousness grows. This is achieved day by day through the holding of thought, visualization, and an understanding of peace. However, there are still those who will remain in a dead zone. These are those who must be left, they must be discarded, as was spoken in the Book of Revelations: two are standing in the field, side by side; one will go, the other will stay. Do you understand? This choosing is not by [a] God. This choosing is through the will, the developed will, the conscious will as God in man!
It is a choice and a commitment to stay firmly rooted. Recognize that when someone is asleep it is not necessarily your responsibility to awaken their slumber, but to allow their choice. For within their dream, some day, they will awaken to the ONE reality, the ONE truth, which is within.
From Points of Perception by Lori Toye

Saint Germain on Polarity, Choice, and the ONE

There is a Master we know as the Herakhan Babaji who has said, “There is no saint without a past and that there is no sinner without a future.” They are the same. How may one be a saint on this planet and plane without sin? How can one go forward without knowing what was behind? This is the experience of choice. In choice, you and I are the same. We all have levels of choice. We have levels of understanding. We have levels of discipline. We have levels of acceptance. This is the path of Mastery and the levels of acceptance are unlimited! All that is blocked will be freed! All that is dark will be made light! All that is dark somewhere contains the secret of light! It is through this understanding that creation comes forward and is sustained.
Have you ever considered that there is a dark side of the Moon? Have you ever considered that the Moon does not rotate on an axis as your planet does? Have you ever considered that your Sun, which is a physical manifestation of the Light of God which Never Fails, also has a rotation? By our perspective, from this planetary point, there is a dark side of the Sun and there is a dark side of the Moon. Have you ever considered there is the all-encompassing perspective of the ONE that transports one focus to an infinite focus? Consider that your life is all that you choose. You may choose to accept, you may choose to reject. It is part of your path and it is your Divine Right.
He that chooses to be a farmer may shun the lumber cutter. He that chooses a lumber cutter may shun the farmer. It is a choice. When you make a conscious choice, the outer experience disciplines your perspective of creation. It disciplines your viewpoint. It brings you to these points of understanding. Many of you who have grown gardens know nothing of lumbering. And many of you who have lumbered know nothing of gardening or farming. Choice is infinite experience.
We are all ONE in the sojourn of the experience of creation. We have all planted those seeds and reaped the bountiful harvest. We have all gone to war and conquered. We have all been conquered and have been the victims. This is the experience and there is not one that is more valuable than another! Understand that you are all of these! You are all unto your genetic coding. You and I are ONE. Our experiences are equal. Trials or tribulations, we are the same. It is the same path. It is the path of the Mastery of the self, to learn the discipline of infinite possibility and the expansion of choice.
If you choose to cook one type of food and that food only, that is your focus in that moment. If you neglect the completion of a focus and go to another focus, then that which you left will be spoiled. Finish what you start so your experience is not spoiled. Then, will your experience come to the full fruition, full breath, full life, and full understanding.
From New World Wisdom, Three by Lori and Lenard Toye

Conception of Perfection

"Welcome, my Beloved chelas, I AM Mary and I come forth on that which is the Green Ray, brought forth for the ministry of service upon the planet. Dear one, that which is the service of the heart has long been seen as the Heart’s Desire. There are those upon the Earth Plane and Planet who see desire as passion or desire as the whim of the ego. However, Dear one, it is I who would like to clarify that which is desire. Desire is that within the genetic coding, held within the heart’s self, which strives the being, or the body of light, to obtain ONE with perfection for the removal of the separation. Dear one, you have known and you have felt separation and we have explained to you simply that it is not so. This is not a new concept to you; however, it becomes a perpetual and continuous choice that you make in your Third Density world.
Dear one, desire is that which comes from the Perfected Cell. It is indeed the cell that duplicates throughout the system and allows one to perceive or even have the conception of perfection. Dear one, it was I who individualized the conception of a Perfected Cell, even within a human body, itself. It was this conception of this Perfect Cell that allowed me to bring forth the individualization of the Immaculate Conception. Immaculate Conception is exactly as it states: “immaculate” means purity of thought and intent. There is indeed a focus that is held for that which is the Perfect Cell. The Perfect Cell is founded on that which is the space or frequency known as desire.
All of you hold desire within this Perfect Cell. For you see, Dear one, it cannot come forth without the desire of perfection. For any of you who have achieved anything in your Third Density world, anything that is held of great value to you - having assisted you in your growth and your world or work - was something that you desired. It was something that you held long, not only within your thinking world, but in your heart, longing for. This is known as desire, Dear one, this heart’s longing. Desire is indeed a function of the Cellular Awakening. It is an important concept or perception that you must hold.
Dear one, it has been said that a man cannot win a race unless he sees himself as the winner. You indeed cannot become perfected until you have the desire to be perfect. This desire is built upon the Eight-sided matrix of the Perfect Cell. We ask for you, Dear one, to judge not the form, but to honor the function. Beloved Lady Master Venus has talked much about Divine Form and now I shall speak to you about Divine Function. The function of the Perfect Cell allows the body to accept the new energetic pattern of perfection. This is indeed a new concept to you; however, it is the concept that was held long in your own Immaculate Conception.
Dear one, you carry the blueprint of perfection. This is always and always shall be.
Dear one, I AM Mary and I step forth on the blueprint of perfection. I AM that which is held, the Immaculate Concept of perfection and that indeed is the work of a heart, individualized upon the Earth’s Plane and Planet. Step forth, Dear one, immaculately conceived in perfection, for you are only that. Dear one, it is through your desire and the balance of love, wisdom, and power that build the foundation for the intent and motivation of desire. Dear one, I come to you, I come to you through that which I AM - Love."
from Fields of Light by Lori Toye

Come Forth in Your Light

This lesson, in basic terms, reiterates a spiritual guideline for achieving wholeness, light, and Ascension. The basic premise is that it is up to each and every one of us to consciously raise our own vibration, through the calibration of our everyday thoughts, feelings, actions, and desires. Why? Because today and tomorrow this precious world is in need of your “light and love.” Because, undoubtedly a “Change of Heart can Change the World.”
“Greetings in the Breath, Sound, and Light of the Most Radiant One! I AM Saint Germain and I come forth to give you discourse, to bring the Light of God that Never Fails. Do I have permission to enter your energy fields of consciousness as you read this? “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” This age-old saying is a truth and as truth, it is unlimited, for as beauty is beheld, so too is light and dark. It is the focus that creates the reality and the focus is guided by the intent.
To those who behold dark, it is dark that they fear and see in everything. In the intent to eliminate the dark, the focus gives the dark a power that feeds the fear and doubt. So in this dark, they see only a focus of dark and judgment that is carried to all they contact and to all with whom they speak. For the thought and the word are the tools of creation. Again, upon what you focus, is that which you create and recreate. To those who behold light, it is the same. The light begets light. In the intent to create light, the light is the focus and is expanded to the consciousness that is carried to all and so, the cycle is in a perpetual expanding motion for everyone to enjoy. To create a focus of light, one does exclude all focus of dark. Your thoughts, feelings, actions, and desire for the Divine Will of the God Source are the key to the vessels that you all are, in this plane of conscious activity.
Consider again, as you speak, that creation is responding to your creation of word. The word is the power of creation in this plane and planet. You, as creators, are creating this world, word by word, thought by thought. Your feelings and actions are given power by your focus of thoughts, and your words create space for the action to manifest. Your feelings intensify your words, which expands the space that, in turn, quickens the action. You are the Love of God that Never Fails. You are the Light of God that Never Fails.
The time is now, that your thoughts, feelings, actions, and desires truly manifest who you are in this schoolhouse of divinity. The focus of your personal peace and your personal light are the Love of the Mother/Father God that Never Fails. Take this to heart, for the world is in need of your light and your love. You are all the foundation of Creation. Come forth in your light and expand to all those around you. Speak the words of light; act the acts of love; feel the love in action, for you are as God is, Creators! Go forth and create the Light of God that Never Fails and be as the Love of God is: truly nonjudgmental; unconditionally loving; grateful of all; and of fruitful service.
I AM ONE with you. I AM Saint Germain.”
from Fields of Light, by Lori Toye

Thought and Prayer

"Thought brings balance.
All thought serves the next thought.
All is as ONE.
That is the thought, balance, harmony, and blending.

The feeling is purification.
Do not be afraid to allow your own change to erupt
or to move.
Perhaps that change is necessary.
It is the feeling.

Purify your being.
Place yourself in the heart of intent.

Action, let it come from the blend of these two.
Action in service, as has been stated, breathes the breath that
all may utilize."

From New World Wisdom, Book Three

The Rays and Earth's Light Bodies

Earth Ray: This Ray draws energy from the Prahanic Body of Earth. It is a denser Ray Force, and gives life to all created forms on Earth. The lighter pastel colors of the Blue Ray, the Pink Ray, and the Yellow Ray also correspond to Earth’s First Light Body.
Blue Ray: The Dark Blue Ray and Cobalt Blue Ray draw energy and force from Earth’s Second Light Body, known as Everno.
Pink Ray: The Magenta-Pink Ray draws energy and force from Earth’s Third Light Body Eshano. Eshano is affiliated with the everchanging evolutionary needs of life on Earth.
Yellow Ray: The Yellow Ray draws energy and force from the Earth’s Fourth Light Body Buitsha. This light body is associated with the “collective subconscious” of humanity.
White Ray: The White Ray draws energy and force from Earth’s Fifth Light Body. Earth’s Fifth Light Body is also known as the Golden Grid that empowers the fifty-one Golden Cities.
Green Ray: The Green Ray draws energy and force from Earth’s Sixth Light Body – a Cosmic Celestial Body. Earth’s Sixth Light body is affiliated with Avatars not only from Earth, but from nearby Galaxies. It is said to hold vast amounts of information: spiritual, prophetic, scientific, and Akashic. As a note, this is the energetic level that was accessed to download many of the I AM America prophecies and accompanying spiritual information.
Ruby-Gold Ray: The Ruby-Gold Ray draws energy and force from the Earth’s Seventh Light Body, also known as the Cosmic Causal Body. The Cosmic Causal Body of Earth is associated with the Great Central Sun – the Galactic Center.
Violet Ray: The Violet Ray draws energy and force from the Connectosphere, also known as Earth’s Eighth Light Body. The Connectosphere holds all of the lower Seven Bodies of the Earth together, and is associated with interstellar Unity Consciousness.
from Fields of Light

The Wellspring of the Heart's Desire

The wellspring of abundance, love, and creativity. By identifying activities that yield personal joy and happiness, we may discover our Heart’s Desire. Eastern philosophy often refers to this principle as the soul’s specific duty or purpose in a lifetime, or its Dharma. The Heart’s Desire is analogous to the principle of desire – the Ninth Jurisdiction. This evolved perception of desire is based on the true etymology of the word. De, is a French word that means of, and the English word sire, means forefather, ancestry, or source. From this context, Sanat Kumara teaches, “The Heart’s Desire is the source of creation.” Since the Heart’s Desire is one of the most influential principles underlying humanity’s spiritual development and unfoldment, Ascended Master teachings give it utmost importance. It is considered a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual presence that raises the unawakened animal consciousness into human consciousness, and then onward, to the awakened aspirant and the devoted chela.
from Fields of Light

On taking action and making changes.

“Let go of these wounds that you carry, worrying if your mother or father was good enough to bring you forth. Are you not here? Are you now exposed to a greater truth? Have you been exposed to a greater consciousness? The time has come for you to act with this consciousness. Stand up! You are a God-free being. Stand up and put your hand in action if your ears are open and your eyes can see.
Change has always intimidated those who hang on to too much. Accept that change is life. With each movement of the wind and movement of sand is the movement of energy. If we do not participate freely and actively in the movement of energy, we no longer are in service to life. Many of you say and claim, 'I must not move. I must stay put. I must slow down.' Understand, Dear ones, it is this movement, this continuous wave, that is the essence of the breath of life. Find within it the gentle urging and longing to express the freedom of your heart and let this flame of divinity now speak to the world.”
From New World Wisdom Book Two

Spiritual Insights on the Time of Change

The Earth and humanity are ONE physiology: a light and energy system that cannot be disconnected. Our lives comprise many sensitive systems that are interrelated and Co-created through an underlying metaphysical hologram of thought, feeling, and action.
 Every individual thought, feeling, desire, and action creates a Collective Consciousness.
 Collective Consciousness influences the outcome of events, and is projected through communal effort in prayer and meditation. This can change a cataclysmic hurricane into a gentle summer rain.
 If you live with fear, you will create fear. If you live with love, you will create love.
 We are living in a Time of Change. This period is evidenced by tremendous changes in our society, cultures, and world politics, in tandem with individual and collective spiritual awakenings and transformations. These events occur simultaneously, with the possibilities of massive global warming, climactic changes, and seismic and volcanic activity – Earth Changes.
 Our positive inner change and transformation help to change society, governments, and the environment. Our conscious choices influence the possibility of Earth Changes, and can change, ameliorate, or avert cataclysm. The three monikers of positive shift are: choice, change, and consciousness.
This is an important time on Earth. The time is now!
from Fields of Light by Lori Toye

Mother Mary on Service

“This service is of great joy; this service is the most perfect concept that can be brought forth now in this transition. I would ask you to hold this focus, to see yourselves as the true lighted beings of radiance that you are. You are truly my children and I carry each and every one of you close to my heart. Hold this focus, this Immaculate Concept, that you are perfect in the eyes of God and in my eyes.And all those who assist you, see yourselves immaculately conceived in preparation of your service and to bring forth the pattern of your Ascension and to share this with your Brothers and Sisters. See this and focus. This is such a great joy, this work you do. You are bringing forth the understanding of the perfection that you truly are. See this joy, feel this great joy well up in your heart. Have that as your focus, have that as your Immaculate Concept, and all else will have the perspective as being a gentle breeze through the trees on a soft spring day. All else will come to you in this joy."
from Fields of Light by Lori Toye

True Memory

Memory, as defined by Ascended Master teachings, is not seen as a function of the brain, or the soul’s recall of past events. Instead, True Memory is perceived as an essential key that is cultivated and honed in order to obtain the greatest treasure of heaven—immortality.
This is achieved through cultivating our perceptions and adjusting our individual perspective on a situation to the multiple juxtapositions of opinion and experience. The Master Teachers refer to this as the perception of, “a thousand eyes.”
This depth of understanding gives clarity and illumination to every experience. Our skill and Mastery through True Memory move our consciousness beyond common experiences to individualized experiences where our perceptive power hones honesty and accountability.
The innate truth obtained from many experiences through the interplay of multiple roles creates True Memory, and opens the detached and unconditional Law of Love to the chela.
from Divine Destiny

The Celebration of Shamballa

Over four weeks (twenty-eight days), esoteric followers, including Ascended Masters, honor the Celebration of the Four Elements during the Shamballa festivities. It begins December 17—accompanied by lighting of the Eternal Flame Candle, or the Fireless Light—on the altar of the main temple. This etheric celebration is divided into the following four parts:
1. Week One: December 18 to December 24. Element: Earth. The celebration and thanksgiving offered to Mother Earth. Ceremonies and rituals for Earth Healing are held at Shamballa during this time. Bowls of salt, which represent earth united with spirit, are placed on all the altars in the Temples of Shamballa.
2. Week Two: December 25 to December 31. Element: Air. Celebrations of gratitude and thanksgiving to the World Teachers and the messengers of the Great White Brotherhood who have selflessly served humanity are held this week. Krishna, Jesus Christ, Buddha, and other well-known avatars and saviors are also lauded. Doves of Peace are symbolically released this week.
3. Week Three: January 1 to January 7: Element: Water. A thanksgiving for our Soul Families is held during this week. This phase of Shamballa Celebration is about revering love and friendship, and performing Cup Ceremonies. A Cup Ceremony is a water ceremony that celebrates the union of Mother Earth and Soul Families. A Cup of water is passed and infused with the prayers of the devoted. The prayer charged water is then poured on the earth.
4. Week Four: January 8 to January 14: Element: Fire. This week is a celebration of Spiritual Fire. This time is set aside for personal purification, intentions, reflection, and meditation for the upcoming year. This is an important period for the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light to review plans for the following 365 days. Candles for each of the Seven Rays, representing the seven Hermetic Laws, are lit this week.
5. The Sealing of Divinity: January 15 and 16: Celebrations of Unity—Unana—and the ONE.
6. The Closing of Shamballa: January 17: the light of the Eternal Flame returns to Venus.
From Points of Perception by Lori Toye

Teachings on Starting Anew

The Violet Flame is known for its comprehensive healing properties, especially in matters of self-transformation and Karmic balancing. Saint Germain suggests the use of the Violet Flame to mitigate the following:
1. Harmful Cycles: release outdated, broken, and dysfunctional patterns. Lack of perfection: self-doubt, worry, and guilt. Saint Germain suggests the following decree to diminish fears of all kind:
Violet Flame I AM, God I AM.
Violet Flame, come forward in this instant.
Manifest perfection in, through, and around me!
Violet Flame I AM, God I AM Perfection, Violet Flame.

This decree is powerful enough to crack the voltage of the Blue Flame within the will. Its power is on a par with the electricity-producing force of lightning. Uttering this decree will create the Lightning Crack of Divine Intervention. The simple decree, “Violet Flame I AM, God I AM Violet Flame,” from Saint Germain is meant for everyone. It instantly infuses the Violet Flame in our hearts. This decree lifts human ity out of suffering, limitation, death, and destruction, and into the hopeful vista of a New Day.
2. Forgiveness of Self: The Violet Flame assists the forgiveness of self. Use of its transforming fires transmutes any type of guilt. The Violet Flame is particularly helpful in transmuting the cause and effect surrounding memories that harness our consciousness with negativity and suppress our spiritual growth and evolution.
3. Sins of Self: Our own perceptions keep us trapped in a paradigm of death, decay, destruction, and catastrophe. Saint Germain sees this as a sin against self and encourages the dismantling of these destructive forces by applying the restorative energy of the Violet Flame and its Ray of transmuting light.
4. Know Thyself: Self-knowledge, along with the acknowledgement of our own doubts, limitations, strengths, and talents, is a key component of personal freedom.
from Light of Awakening