service is of great joy; this service is the most perfect concept that can be brought
forth now in this transition. I would ask you to hold this focus, to see yourselves
as the true lighted beings of radiance that you are. You are truly my children
and I carry each and every one of you close to my heart. Hold this focus, this
Immaculate Concept, that you are perfect in the eyes of God and in my eyes.And all
those who assist you, see yourselves immaculately conceived in preparation of
your service and to bring forth the pattern of your Ascension and to share this
with your Brothers and Sisters. See this and focus. This is such a great joy,
this work you do. You are bringing forth the understanding of the perfection
that you truly are. See this joy, feel this great joy well up in your heart.
Have that as your focus, have that as your Immaculate Concept, and all else will
have the perspective as being a gentle breeze through the trees on a soft
spring day. All else will come to you in this joy."
from Fields of Light by Lori Toye