Thursday, November 14, 2019


Certain sounds, syllables, and sets of words are deemed sacred and often carry the power to transmute Karma, purify the spirit, and transform an individual. These are known as a mantras. The mantra is a foundation of Vedic tradition and often treated as a devotional upaye—a remedial measure of difficult obstacles. Mantras, however, are not limited to Hinduism. Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains also utilize mantras. The Ascended Masters occasionally provide mantras to chelas to improve resonation with certain Golden Cities.
My teacher of Vedic tradition gave this explanation regarding the anatomy of the mantra:
Chants + Protects = MANTRA
He was particularly avid about adding the sound HREEM before chanting the mantra to transmute difficult Karmas. His explanation:
H = Sins
REEM = Removes
HREEM = Removal of Sins
 - from Light of Awakening