A spurious type of energy—often encountered through drug and alcohol
abuse—subjective energy bodies produce a false sense of consciousness.
When triggered, it elicits a lower consciousness and a behavior-changing
“thought-form.” Popular belief perpetuates this notion: the idea that
addictive substances increase a person’s state of euphoria and
relationship to a higher power. When in reality, nothing could be
farther from the truth. Drugs and alcohol actually suppress lower energy
fields and block the ability to create elevated states of
consciousness. The experience of love without fear, the sense of pure
joy without anxiety, and the ability to live on life’s terms are rare.
Yet, the exhilaration produced by a high compels the user to chase
experiences sans the emptiness of lower vibrating energy. But, as
tolerance necessitates the need for more, the addict or alcoholic
futilely struggles to achieve an artificial divine connection
authentically produced through sincere and careful spiritual
cultivation. What’s left, after the intoxication ebbs, is a more
desperate need to fill that spiritual void.
Humans, however, can
suppress lower vibrations through contact with a higher consciousness:
meditation and other spiritual disciplines are excellent means to
achieve this end. But, because this growth is achieved through the
Transmutation of lower level energies, subjective energy bodies are not
present or created. This base force has limited range; it floats in
astral planes and passes from one lifetime to the next in the form of
discordant, obsessive thoughts and behaviors. Repetitious ideas,
feelings, and actions carry consciousness or Karmic “energetic patterns”
of which one is not responsibly aware. The Master Teachers calls this
an “invisible creation.”
from Points of Perception by Lori Toye